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Kuei-tzu Wu-shu (Qiuci Cash)
Copper Cash inscribed bilingually in Han and Qiuci

It was just a century before the birth of Christ, these two cash were used on the Silk Road which was an important route of economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West. Qiuci was a small state in China's ancient Western Region. Do you know anything about them?

At the moment, I really don't have time to prepare the background story of these two cash. I hope I can finish it soon. ykl)

Marks of Rareness of the Collected Currencies
Extremely Rare A ~ Very Rare B ~ Rare C ~ Not So Many D ~ Common E

Obverse or ReverseObverse or ReverseDescription
No. 314
21 mm
Wt. 2.2 g.
Mint Evolution and PeculiarityRareness C

If you know anything about this cash, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Obverse or ReverseObverse or ReverseDescription
No. 315
17.5 mm
Wt. 1.4 g.
Mint Evolution and PeculiarityRareness C

If you know anything about this cash, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

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Any additional comment would be much appreciated, you can send it to Y K Leung.

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