Hong Kong Numismatics
- A Rare Hong Kong One Dollar Banknote : 匯豐銀行在十九世紀末發行的一元紙幣. [English only]
- 香港金融管理局的聖誕有獎問答遊戲:只能提供個人見解,極可能全錯。泉友只可作參考。祝大家幸運。
- 思古幽情之香港早期輔幣 [Chinese big-5 only] : 香港一八六三年一毫銀幣
- 澳門早期歷史與流通硬幣 [Chinese big-5 only]:澳門官鑄硬幣只有50年歷史
- 香港泉友的珍稀錢幣 [Chinese big-5 only]:香港1905兩毫和漳州軍餉錢幣
- The Early Banks in Hong Kong - 十九世紀的香港的銀行 [Chinese Big-5 only]
- More about Hong Kong Currency - 香港錢幣集藏花絮 [Chinese Big-5 only]
- Hong Kong 1941 One Cent Coin - 香港一九四一年一仙銅幣 [English and Big-5]
The Hong Kong Early Currency and The Hong Kong Mint
香港的早期貨幣及香港造幣廠 [Chinese]
- Hong Kong One-Mil Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港一文硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
Hong Kong One-Cent Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港一仙硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
Hong Kong Five-Cents Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港五仙硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
Hong Kong Fifty-Cents Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港五毫硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
Hong Kong Ten-Cents Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港一毫硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
Hong Kong Twenty-Cents Coin Valuations and Mintages
香港貳毫硬幣的一般價值及其鑄額 [Chinese and English]
- 香港紙幣 - Hong Kong Notes :
No.117, or No.118, or No.119, or No.120, or No.121, or No.122, or No.123, or No.124, or No.125, or
No.126, or No.127, or No.128, or No.361, or No.362, or No.363, or No.364, and or No.365.
- HK 1 Mil coin 香港一文硬幣 : The First Hong Kong Coins I
- HK One cent coin 香港一仙硬幣 : The First Hong Kong Coins II
- HK 10 cents coin 香港一毫硬幣 : The First Hong Kong Coins III
The 1993HK One Dollar coins : The recent bauhinia flower cupro-nickel coin, but they are all disappeared now.
Demand and Supply : The Macao Coinage
Hong Kong Monetary Authorithy
: Notes and Coins of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Mistruck Coins : Hong Kong Error Coins
- Recent Hong Kong Coinage Prices : (For Cupro-nickel or Nickel-brass coins only).